
Meaning of Bera

Bera is an Arabic word. The word was used by former Turkish people and it meant the chosen one, distinguished, prestigious and elite. Today, it continues to bear the same meaning. Bera represents the union of co-founders Beyza and Busra’s names along with their late mother Berrin’s name. It has a precious and special meaning. As for the idea behind the logo: It is the journey of the 4 Bs towards eternity. A tribute to the four-leaf clover... Beyza & Büşra & Berrin & Bera

Dna of Bera

Dna of Bera Consists of modern craftmanship, cultural heritage, quality and elegance. Bera has unique designs and entrusts masterful touches of artisans on premium quality leather. Bera builds its brand philosophy on productivity of women and derives its strength from women power in all phases from production to marketing. Each Bera piece is produced in Turkey with special craftsmanship. Bera’s tale of birth and reason to hold on to life leans on women’s productivity and sustaining Turkish craftsmanship. The length of designs coming into life takes much longer than alternative brands.

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